This post is dedicated to students and their families.
It seems as if every school year there is that one teacher that gives us, hardworking students, homework over the holiday vacation. It may range from a worksheet to a ten page essay at the least. Sadly, this has happened to me before, and I do not understand why someone would want to ruin another person's vacation. That is ludicrous! So what is it that makes a teacher give homework to students over a break? Obviously we need one, otherwise it wouldn't be a nationwide holiday. But what is that teacher's reasoning for doing such a horrible thing? I've heard several excuses from those holiday-homework-giving teachers: those bad weather days took away from your learning time, do you remember that week I had the flu?, were you thinking about this when you had your senior skip day?, I'm just trying to get you prepared for the finals, one week the class got behind because you all didn't fully understand the concept, ect. I could write a book on all the excuses that can come out of a teacher's mouth when they know they're wrong. And you thought students had excuses. Honestly though, there is a time and place for everything and typing a paper while eating turkey with all the delicious trimmings just don't go together. Now this post just isn't me complaining about some mean teachers, and their terrible methods. I am here to inform and help! What can you do about those assignments if trying to persuade that teacher to change the due date doesn't work?- Do it the same day you get out on break so during the holiday you're available & stress free
- Do it the day before you go back to school
- Do not attend school the day before break, so you will be unaware of the homework (make sure the absence is excused though)
- If you know about the assignment ahead of time do it before break
- DO NOT DO IT!!! Take a stand against the man and turn it in late if you even feel like doing's your break so enjoy it!!! I'm sure the teacher that gave you this homework is enjoying their vacation. So why can't you??? (if you chose this method please think about the possible repercussions & use caution when acting this out!)

lmao so you are telling ppl different ways to not do there work. Just get ready for it to continue through out college too!!! My grad professors don't care either so there you have it. I don't get it either because by them giving out work, they are creating more work for themselves. Go figure.
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